"This is Lviv, this city is mine!": a literary walk through the places of Antonych.
In 114 Bohdan-Ihor Antonych's birthdayAudiostories participated in the wonderful project of a literary walk through the places of Antonych in Lviv, which is conducted by Danylo Ilnytskyi, a literary critic and researcher of the figure of Antonych. You will hear the audio version of the live walk, and the author's poems recited by the actresses of the UCU theater "On Simon's Pillars", which was also the organizer of this event.
Recitation of Antonych's poems:
Diana Horban, Natalia Hudzik, Oleksandra Neborak.
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Тріо Наталії Лебедєвої & Борис Могилевський
Audio walk "This is Lviv, this city is mine" -
we sincerely believe that this journey is not the first, but not the last, attempt to immerse you in the world of Antonich, its city, streets, sounds and images. The recording was made in panoramic stereo format.